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E-bullion business

It seems that every year payment systems one by one try to make new surprises for us. This time the surprise became from popular and known E-bullion payment system which always was considered as closed type payment system which doesn’t put into the own practice any alien business methods and stereotypes. There was set a rumor that E-bullion system is going to follow the well-known E-gold payment processor because these two systems have the same work principles and they are based on one technology. The social majority can think about this situation, “Hm... it is really strange. Why successful and developing company aim to go out from success way?” Unfortunately the recent events explain a lot of these questions and confirm the rumors. On Monday, 28 July 2008, at 6:30 PM there was found stubbed Pamela Fayed, one of co-founders E-bullion. Woman died because of numerous stabs. This news shocked social community and especially the way of murder. There are a lot different hypothesizes about...

Agent Config Communication Screen - Async

This configuration screen provides the ability to configure the package to use an asynchronous connection using the X.25/X.28 protocol as data transport media.
Agent Config Communication Screen - Async

Modem Settings

  • Use Window Settings – Allows the modem to use default Windows settings to communicate.
  • Bits per Second (Baud) - The speed in which the modem transmits data, i.e. the number of bits per second that the modem can send to another modem. The software allows the following baudrates: 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, and 57600. The software is usually configured at a Baud Rate of 9600; this will depend on the connection carrier.
  • Dial Prefix - This is the number that the Agent uses to dial out from its location, for example 0. By default, this field is left with a value of a “,” (comma for nodial prefix).
  • Modem Init String - This option allows you to input the initialization string of the modem. An initialization string is a set of modem AT commands. It initializes the modem typically by setting it to its factory defaults. Refer to the modem user guide for further details. Note: Dedicated lines do not require an Initialization string.

Dialing Mode

TONE – This option will set the software to detect tone phone lines.
PULSE - This option will set the software to detect pulse phone lines.

Port Settings:

  •  Connect using Port - This option allows you to connect a modem (for dialup lines) or an X.25 PAD (for dedicated lines) to either one of the four communication ports available when using the Money Transfer software. These are serial ports COM1, COM2 or COM3 and COM4. IMPORTANT: MT will not allow the usage of a Win modem (please check the Hardware Requirements for more information).


  • Rank – Rank indicates the order in which numbers will be tried for dialup.
  • Name – Connection provider script name
  • Phone – Phone number to be dialed. Do not enter dashes, spaces or any other character that is not supported.
  • Ded Line – When checked, the Dedicated line is used for connection. Dedicated lines do not require an Initialization string.
  • Data Bits - COM port setup value (This will depend on the provider end required settings).
  • Parity - COM port setup value (This will depend on the provider end required settings).
  • Stop Bits - COM port setup value (This will depend on the provider end required settings).
  • Login Password - Login and Password needed for connection authorization to the provider’s network.
  • Connect Timer – Time in seconds that the software will wait for a connection to be established. This option is only used with a dial-up connection.
  • Retry - The amount of times that the connection attempt is made before trying the next ranked route.
  • Dial Delay - This option sets the delay timer for retries.
  • Communication Mode – Only one of these options may be selected, affecting the display of the AGENT CONFIG COMMUNICATIONS SCREEN.
- Async Enables the Agent to configure the software to use an asynchronous connection using the X.25/X.28 protocol as its data transport media
-IP Enables the Agent to connect their private TCP/IP network via the internet to the WU host servers and
-Dial Up – Enables the Agent to automate the software connection when using PPP/TCP connection methods (ISP, TCP/IP through X.25/X.28 providers, etc)

Communication Log

  • Enable Comm Log - A communication log is used for troubleshooting purposes, i.e., telecommunication problems, connection to the host process, verification of database versions, etc. A file named LANXXXX (TermID).log stored in the C:\Program Files\Western Union\Universal-Release is generated and contains detailed sign-on and request/reply data blocks. Settings are ON and OFF. If set to ON, it will allow the system to create a Communications Log file. If set to OFF, a log will not be created. This option is not supposed to be turned on except when WU turns it on after receiving special permissions.
  • Log Cleanup – The length of time a log file will be kept before it is purged.


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