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E-bullion business

It seems that every year payment systems one by one try to make new surprises for us. This time the surprise became from popular and known E-bullion payment system which always was considered as closed type payment system which doesn’t put into the own practice any alien business methods and stereotypes. There was set a rumor that E-bullion system is going to follow the well-known E-gold payment processor because these two systems have the same work principles and they are based on one technology. The social majority can think about this situation, “Hm... it is really strange. Why successful and developing company aim to go out from success way?” Unfortunately the recent events explain a lot of these questions and confirm the rumors. On Monday, 28 July 2008, at 6:30 PM there was found stubbed Pamela Fayed, one of co-founders E-bullion. Woman died because of numerous stabs. This news shocked social community and especially the way of murder. There are a lot different hypothesizes about...

Agent Config Agent Screen

Agent Config Agent Screen
  • Terminal ID - The Terminal ID is assigned by Western Union and is a unique ID for each Agent’s PC. Each Terminal ID is linked to a corresponding account. The Terminal ID is passed through the sign-on to the host. It is the validation that the host looks for, in addition to the Password, Operator ID and security file to ensure proper system sign-on.
  • Multiple Currency - If it is unchecked, a single currency is configured. If it is checked, multiple currency’s can be configured.
  • ISO Code – Is the two-character ISO (International Organization for Standardization) country code. Use the 2-character ISO code for the Agent’s country. Example United Kingdom is “GB”.
  • Country/Currency - Select the Agent’s country/currency
  • Money Symbol - This field is usually left blank. If a money symbol (i.e, a currency symbol “$”) is entered and the $ Collect Box option, is set to VERIFY or VERIFY & WARN, the Money Symbol will be displayed in a pop up box when collecting funds. Refer to the definition of $ Collect Box for further details. Additionally, the money symbol will be displayed when printing a check.
  • Pay W/O ID amount - This is the amount in dollars or other currency that can be paid without asking the beneficiary for a valid ID or additional customer information. If a send Money Transfer exceeds the amount in this field, a dialog box will be presented to the operator prompting for valid ID or additional customer information.
  • Threshold Limit_1 - If an amount is entered here and banking regs is set to PC, the operator will be prompted to enter sender’s ID or additional customer information when performing a send, where the principal amount exceeds the threshold limit.
  • Threshold Limit_2 - If an amount is entered here and banking regs is set to PC, the operator will be prompted to enter sender and receiver’s ID or additional customer information when performing a pay where the principal amount exceeds the threshold limit.
  • Agent / CSC - This function allows the Agent to perform remote transactions. Settings are SAGENT & CTB, CTB and NONE. NOTE: CTB (Central Telephone Bureau) is the previous term for the CSC (Customer Service Center).
  • Enable Bingo – This setting adds extra security. A Bingo Card is an ID card number given to a remote Agent that provides a unique code to verify that the Agent calling the local CSC is a valid Western Union Agent.
  • Enable Remote Term ID – This setting permits the CSC to initiate remote transactions.
  • Enable Agent Account – Same as above, but with Agent account number.
  • Max Security Rejects – This setting is used to select the amount of times that the Bingo Information will be rejected by Tandem before sending a transfer to the security queue.
  • If “Maximum Security Rejects” is 99 - If Bingo Information is wrong, Tandem will always reject it and will never put the transaction in the security queue.
  • If “Maximum Security Rejects” is 00 - If Bingo Information is wrong from the first attempt, the transaction will go to the security queue directly.
  • If “Maximum Security Rejects” is ‘N’ - The user will have ‘N’ attempts to enter the correct Bingo Information. During these attempts, Tandem will reject, but after those ‘N’ attempts, if the Bingo Information is still wrong then the transaction will go directly to the security queue.
  • Agent Type - This setting is used to select the type of Agent. Selections are:
  • International - International Money Transfer Agent.
  • USA - Domestic Agent meaning: Canada and USA.
  • Commercial - Applies for both International and Domestic. If selected, sender details can be filled by clicking the ‘Edit Commercial details button’ The information entered into these fields will be automatically displayed on the Sender screen. This option will configure the package as a Quick Cash transaction.
  • Banking Regulations - Settings are TANDEM or PC, but is generally set to TANDEM. If it is set to PC when a MT is sent, a screen is displayed that requires Sender and Receiver Additional information. This works in conjuction with the “Threshold Limit” settings. If it is set to TANDEM when a MT is sent, Sender and Receiver Additional information might be required depending on the thresholds set in the TANDEM(HOST).
  • Enroll – No Transaction level – This enables Customer Information template to be shown on the WU Card enrollment screen when the enrollment is processed without a transaction. For US agents, there are 3 levels of customer information fields required. For agents outside US, there is currently 1 level of fields.
  • Sign-On Screen Special Pop Up – If this is checked, the Western Union Translink software will display the change password screen.
  • Agent Fields – Enable or Disable the Agent Defined Field in Additional services
  • Collection Support - This setting is used as an additional security feature. A prompt box appears to warn the Agent to collect the total amount. There are four (4) security settings, as explained below:
  • NONE - Setting used when no additional security is required when collecting funds.
  • VERIFY - When set to verify, after an Agent fills in all of the send information and connects to the host, a pop up box is displayed with a message asking the Agent if they collected the correct amount and the amount to be collected is displayed.
  • VERIFY + WARN - When set to verify & warn, after an Agent fills in all of the send information and connects to the host, a pop up box is displayed with a message warning the Agent that they need to make sure they collected total principal plus charges and the amount to be collected is displayed.
  • MANUAL - When set to Manual, after an Agent fills in all of the send information and connects to the host, a pop up box is displayed with a message asking the Agent if they collected the correct amount. The amount to be collected has to be entered manually.
  • MANUAL + WARN - When set to manual & warn, after an Agent fills in all of the send information and connects to the host, a pop up box is displayed with a message warning the Agent that they need to make sure they collected total principal plus charges. The amount to be collected has to be entered manually.
  • Display Finish Instruction – This enables the instruction for operators on how to use the receipts printed out at the transaction summary screen.
  • PIN PAD – This option alows a PIN Pad to be used with the Translink application for debit card transactions.
  • Pin Pad Device – It indicates the type of the Pin pad Device , the application is using to enter the pin number or to swipe the card, while submitting the transaction. This is used/checked when you select one of the Payment options from Debit card, Credit card , Debit & debit, Credit and Agent debit card while submitting the transaction.
  • Port – This option is applicable for HyperCom, LinkPoint PinPad devices. During the Application startup, this option is used to initialize the Pinpad device connected to the Port that you have specified here.
  • Swipe Device – Displays the PIN Pad Driver to be used with each PIN Pad device selected.
  • Compliance Lookup – Enables the Paint – the – Screen functionality within the Translink application so you can do a search of the sender’s compliance data by ID type and number.
  • Bypass Lookup – When Compliance Lookup is enabled, you can select this option to display a button in the Compliance information screen that enables the user to termporarily disable the lookup funtionality for the transaction being processed and display the full compliance template.


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